The Institute of Nuclear & Radiological Sciences and Technology, Energy & Safety (INRASTES) is an interdisciplinary R&D establishment pursuing basic, translational and applied research to address challenges of great scientific and socioeconomic impact in a broad spectrum of scientific and technological fields. The activities of the Institute are organized in four thematic areas in line with European research initiatives and national smart specialization priorities:

  • Nuclear Technology
  • Energy / Environmental Technologies, Safety & Security
  • Radiological Sciences and Radio-pharmaceutics
  • Biodiagnostics

The Institute pays also attention to the effective exploitation of research results via the provision of advanced R&D services that support policy and decision making, the industry and the society.

INRASTES hosts unique infrastructure on a nationwide scale (including the sole Nuclear Research Reactor in Greece, the Environmental Radioactivity monitoring system, the Radiopharmaceutics production and quality control facilities, the Pollutants / Dioxins Analysis laboratories, etc). The Institute is the only center in Greece with integrated knowledge on nuclear technology & safety, radiological sciences and radiopharmaceuticals while several of its Laboratories have attained National Reference status. With its highly qualified staff and large scale facilities, INRASTES possesses the potential to achieve critical masses and synergies among the various laboratories and research groups thus creating significant growth prospects.


Georgios Nounesis


+30 2106503757-3760
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